Do you want to ....

  • Focus on the interactions that you can define and influence to increase your CVOs

  • Make it easy for your team to demonstrate the potential value of new initiatives and digital products

  • Make sure specialists and experts focus on the CVIs & CVOs vital to you and avoid costly effort

  • Simplify the reporting around your Digitised Event experience to quickly align effort and resources for high performance

Then you need robust CVIs

A clarity of measurement and definition of the CVIs aligned to each CVO will give you the focus you need to significantly increase engagement with your Digitised Event experience.
An image of a cube depicting a CVI joining another cube made up of many CVIs to depict a CVO

To increase your CVOs

Robust and clearly defined CVIs are your indicators as you navigate Digitising Events: Identifying competency gaps, aligning resources and expertise and setting the foundations for evidence-based decision-making around measurable commercial value.
A competed cube with all CVIs in place to show a well functioning CVI CVO cube