About The Media CTO

  • What is the CVI + CVO Framework™?

    The CVI + CVO Framework™ is a simple, accessible, and strategic approach for you to increase information exchange and engagement with your participants when Digitising Events.

    This framework provides a structured, evidence-based pathway to Digitising Events and ensures that your resources work for initiatives that directly impact your event's Commercially Valuable Interactions/Customer Value Indicators (CVIs).

  • What is Digitising Events?

    To be clear, Digitising Events is not about moving all in-person events to the virtual world, nor is it about building a mirror image of in-person events in the virtual space.

    It is not about the hippest features and functions nor the latest tech and platforms. Rather, Digitising Events can take the form of in-person, blended, or virtual events that exist to maximise information exchange among all participants within a clearly defined timeframe. These exchanges must increase knowledge rapidly and effectively to enable the participants to act on their desired outcomes with significantly increased confidence levels.

    Read more about it here.

  • What is the DiG?

    The Digital intelligence Generator (DiG) is where we apply the CVI + CVO Framework in leveraging real-time data to optimise and accelerate your event's success. Through the DiG, we provide relevant and real-time analytics and insight, marketing channel automation and optimisation, external signals integration and audience profiling, and custom reporting and data literacy, among others.

    Know more about it here.
    Got questions about the DiG? Contact us.

The Digital Academy

  • What is the Digital Academy?

    The Digital Academy is a set of online courses and a community that shares the CVI + CVO FrameworkTM to help you and your teams achieve digital autonomy effectively. It is here that we provide the tools and training you will need to develop independence and drive sustainable digital success.

    As we implement the CVI + CVO FrameworkTM, we will continue to develop new courses and resources to help you build data-driven, evidence-based digitised events. Doing so also allows us to expand the vocabulary of this shared language for Digitising Events, thereby making sense of how to align commercial value with digital effort, specialists, and the latest technology.

  • How much would it cost to join the Digital Academy?

    You may join the Digital Academy by purchasing a single course for £295 or avail of the course bundle for your team for £950.

    We currently have a set of four courses -- the Foundation Course, Defining CVOs & Digital Products, Defining & Finding Your CVIs, and Working Your CVIs To Shift CVOs -- that help you build the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to deliver modern digitised event experiences.

  • What should I prepare before joining the Digital Academy?

    Nothing in particular.

    Upon successful enrollment to the Digital Academy, you will receive a welcome email with details on how to access the lectures and resources for the course/s.

  • Why should I complete the Joining Survey?

    The Joining Survey allows us to assess what you already know and would want to know from the courses we offer. This provides us with helpful information on how to approach synchronous course activities as well as the development of new courses in the future.

  • What is the refund policy?

    Please refer to our Terms of Use - Terms of Service, Item 6 for the refund policy.

  • Is my personal information secure?

    Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.

Course Activities

  • How do I access the learning resources and templates?

    The learning resources for each course are available on the Digital Canvas. Additional templates and tools are accessible on the Resources section of the Digital Academy website.

    The Digital Canvas allows you to apply the Framework using the resources and templates that we have developed through the years of harnessing this approach. We prefer to use Miro for this one because it allows us to add new templates and resources as we expand the courses in the Digital Academy.

    To access your own Digital Canvass, set up a free Miro account, open the shared board, select the relevant area, and paste the selected template/s onto your own board.

  • Why is there a one-on-one consultation, and how do I book a schedule?

    One-on-one consultations are subject to the availability of the course instructor. Please use the Calendly platform integrated into the courses on the Digital Academy website.

    These consultations will serve as feedback mechanism for your outputs and further enriching activity about the topics discussed in the courses. The consultation will last for thirty (30) minutes so it would be best to prepare and outline your questions and concerns beforehand.

    The consultations are free of charge and integrated into your registration to the Digital Academy.

Engagement and Feedback

  • How do I access the Feedback Survey?

    The Feedback Survey is available for course bundle subscribers and accessible upon completion of CVI + CVO Course 04: Working Your CVIs To Shift CVOs.

  • How can I contact support for further assistance?

    You can reach us here. It typically takes us about a day or two to respond to your questions and concerns depending on the volume of email queries.