Our Mission

Show You the No-Code, No-Nonsense Way to Win with Event Data & AI

We do this by sharing a mix of free templates and mini-courses combined with more in-depth courses to help you gain the insight you need from your data and activate Artificial Intelligence (AI) within your organisation.

About The Courses

We are living through a fundamental change in how easy it is to activate technology.

The no-code movement is enabling even the smallest businesses to create unique product-differentiating solutions. Our courses and free templates show you what is possible and teach you how to use what we learn from solving problems to create custom solutions and apply them within your business.

A shared language to digitise fast

The most significant barrier to digitising fast is the need for a shared language. A shared language rooted in creating commercial value to align digital effort, engage specialists and adopt the latest technology.

  • Quickly activate digital specialists aligned to creating commercial value with measurable CVIs + CVOs

  • Use evidence-based insight and intelligence to guide your digital investments when digitising events

  • Create time for your team by automating service delivery, and audience engagement enabling a focus on creating value

Start Digitising Events

Transform and grow your event experiences with technology.