Do you want to....

  • Avoid costly mistakes by quickly creating a clear value-based definition for any new digital products

  • Know where to focus limited resources to deliver the best possible outcomes

  • Identify the essential numbers to measure the real-time performance of your digitised event

  • Know which experiences are adding the most commercial value to your digitised event

Create engaging digital products

Start thinking about your Digitised Event experiences as a series of discrete digital products with corresponding CVOs that are robustly defined to align efforts, drive measurable commercial value and eliminate waste.
A robot manipulating CVI CVO cubes to create one solid cube for a digital product.

You need clear CVOs

Clearly defining the digital products making up your Digitised Event experience in simplified CVI + CVO language will help your Digitised Event succeed.

You can now avoid wasted effort and confidently declutter the digital products that add no value to your Digitised Event.
A well formed cube of CVIs to depict a solid clear CVO